Adobe Photoshop CC is a photo, image, and design editing software built for professional designers, photographers, and artists. The imaging and design app is a part of Adobe Creative Cloud service, and allows users to design websites, mobile apps, posters, banners, and icons through the aid of its easy-to-use templates and intuitive tools. It also provides professional photography tools which help create and enhance pictures, transforming them into amazing works of art.
Introduction of Graphics design
Theory on graphic designing
Openings and Existing File
Screen Model and standard Screen Mode
Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar
Saving Files, Reverting Files
Closing File and Quitting Photoshop
Keyboard shortcuts and Menu
File Handing preferences and curser preferences
Difference between Bitmap and Vector Images
Understanding Images Resolution
Understanding pixcel Logic
Changing the Resolution of an Image
Changing in the size of a Document
Hiding an Image Instead of Cropping
Adjusting the canvas size,
Working with selection Tools
Making a selection based on color range
Adding and substracting from a selection
Expand and contract commands
Grow and similar commands
Define Edges and Inverse selection
Saving and loading selection
Drawing Tools Using Ellipse Tool
Painting Tools And Gradient Tool
Background Eraser and Mugic Eraser Tool
Brightness/Contrast Palette
Hue/Saturation, Histogram Palette
Hiding and Showing Layers
Deleting Layers, Deleting a Layer using Layer Menu
Changing the Stacking Order of the Layer
Relocating Layers in the Image
Moving Layers between Images
Linking and Un linking Layers
Working with Adjustment Layers
Vector Masking Type Masking
Layer style and layer style Dialog
Copy style clearing style
Creating layer from of layers styles
Using filters, About smart objects and filtera
Apply the mosaic tiles filter, liquefy filter
Apply the vanishing point filter
Applying the Artistic Filters
Applying the blure Filters
Applying the Brush stocke Filters
Distort and Noise Filters
Sketch Filters ,Render Filters
Performing photo merge in Photoshop
Text editing and Photoshop
Finding and replacing text
Creating 3D Atwork in Photoshop
Creating 3D shape and Editing 3D shape
Loading a new Texture to 3D shape
PSD, Eps, jpeg, Gift, Tiff, BMP, TNG, etc